Mental Tools of A Hockey Player

Mental Tools of a Hockey Player
The personal makeup of a player. The complete traits that form and reflect the individual nature of a player.
Firmness of character; unconquerable spirit. Unyielding constant courage in the face of hardship or danger. (Fortitude and will to overcome adversity).
Attention to a right privilege, entitled position, or a player considered to have certain rights or privileges. An understanding of who is around you, their roles and what they’ve accomplished and where you stand among the group.
Not cheating yourself or your team. Training to act in accordance with team rules, goals and objectives. Activity, exercise or regimen that develops or improves a skill. A set or system of rules and regulations Training that corrects, molds or perfects the mental faculties or moral character. Doing it right because you have taught yourself no other way.
Any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling. A strong desire for success. The reason for which you live, train and play your best every day.
A guarantee or promise. Giving or pledging one’s entirety to a team or teammate with no end of obligation.
To forego personal gain for a common or team-oriented goal on or off the ice. Going without individual recognition at the expense of the team’s advancement.
Full trust; belief in the powers, trustworthiness or reliability of a person or team. Belief in oneself. Trusting in yourself, the team and the systems. Belief in an ability to execute an act or skill with repeated success.
Do your job and be there for your team. To be the stole or primary factor. The state of being responsible or answerable. The complete acceptance of one’s thoughts, efforts, actions and responsibilities not only to yourself, but more important, to your teammates and team.